Friday 11 May 2018

Week 34 Update

5th Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
By the time we meet again next Monday, it will be time to start a week’s worth of IOWA tests. This means that we have reached mid-May and that we only have six weeks of school left. The students will naturally be concerned about the tests next week but need to keep in mind that we have spent the year learning how to approach questions such as those posed on the tests. The important thing to remember is to eat and rest well and to simply do your absolute best on the tests.
What we learned This week
Maths: Topic 18- Graphs and Data
Literacy: A Focus on Plays – The Case of the Runaway Appetite/Writing to Compare and Contrast
Science: Chapter 5 – The Water Cycle – Chapter Wrap Up
Social Studies: Chapter 13 Decades of Change
What we will learn Next Week
Maths: No Maths – Iowa (Topic 18- Graphs and Data will continue the week after Iowa testing)
Literacy: A Focus on Plays – Social Studies Connection
Science: No Science (Chapter 6 will continue the week after Iowa testing)
Social Studies: Chapter 13 Decades of Change Chapter Wrap up and Civil Rights/Cold War/Space Race Plays
Student of the Week:
Well done, Art Chen. Check out the Student of the Week page on the blog to find out more.  
Dojo Masters:

Thanks for all of the hard work this week. Please check the Dojo Masters page on the blog to see who our masters for this week are.

1.     IOWA Tests - May 14-18
2.     Mid-semester break – May 21
3.     Art Exhibition – May 29
4.     May 30 – Last Day of Clubs
5.     June 18 – Dragon Boat Holiday (No School)
6.     June 22 – Last Day of School (Half Day)

Have a good weekend!

Mr. Robus

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