Thursday 9 November 2017

Grateful/Thanksgiving Speech

Go to the bottom of this post to find the instructions.

Grateful/Thanksgiving Speech

Monday 11/13

  • JuHyuk

  • Raby

  • Kotaro

Tuesday 11/14

  • Andrew

  • Leo

  • Morris

  • Amy

  • Yolanda

Wednesday 11/15

  • Isaac

  • Rikuto

  • Adrian

  • Florence

  • Terry

Thursday 11/16

  • Leonore

  • YunJu

  • Ryota

  • Pepijn

Friday 11/17

  • Daniel

  • Celina

  • Christine

  • Art


  1. Find a true story about a person or group of people who face/s one or more challenges in their life. They could be poor, hungry, or not live life as comfortably as you do.
  2. Think about what it must be like to be in their position.
  3. Learn the details of their life in a way that you are able to describe their situation to us without having to read their story. You should try to remember as many details as possible.
  4. Compare your life to their life.
  5. List all of the reasons why you are grateful/thankful that you live the life that you do.

I presented confidently and spoke clearly, making good eye contact with my entire audience.

I told a true story using facts and details.

I explained why I am grateful to be me.

I listened while others spoke.

5 Exceeds Expectations
4 Ranks High in the Standard
3 On Target
2 Approaches
1 Falls Well Below Expectations

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