Thursday 30 November 2017

Christmas Charity Wishlist

Shih Guang Educational and Nursing Institution
The institution offers the service to those people with severe, very severe, and multiple disabilities. Most of them are paralyzed and long-time bedridden. The material donations they need are as follows:
Stationery Supplies
Marking Pens、11-ring Plastic Sleeves、L-Shaped File Folders、Correction Tape、A4 Copy Paper、Double Sided Tape、Heavy Duty Packaging Tape
成人紙尿布(M) 、嬰兒紙尿布(XXL)
Dr. P Adult Diapers (M-size) 、Baby Diapers (XXL)
Milk Powder /
Formula Milk Powder
Abbot Ensure Powder (850g Can) 、Abbot Osmolite (Isotonic Nutrition, 237 ml)
Daily Supplies
Wipe、Body Lotion
Medical Supplies
Silicon Nasogastric Tube (#12 / #14)、Surgical Mask、Enema Kit、75% Alcohol、Suction Tube (#12 / #14)、NG Feeding Syringe、Ultrasonic Nebulizer (for Respiratory Therapy)、Normal Saline
隨身碟USB 、三號電池、四號電池
USB Flash Drive、AA Batteries、AAA Batteries
Exercise Equipment
Electric Treadmill

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