Friday 23 March 2018

Week 28 Update

5th Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
We have reached the last full week of Quarter 3. Our last day of school before Spring Break starts is Wednesday, March 28. We will return to school on April 9th. The first week back will be busy but exciting as it starts off with our Easter Egg Hunt. The week will also see our Parent-Teacher Conferences being held. Most exciting of all though is the fact that April is Heroes Month in Grade 5 and we will begin a month of sharing stories about the people who inspire us most.
What we learned This week
Maths: Topic 14 – Measurement Units, Time and Temperature.
Literacy: Historical Fiction – Elena (Historical Fiction Short Story)/Historical Fiction Writing.
Science: Chapter 4 – Ecosystems
Social Studies: Chapter 11 World War II
What we will learn Next week
Maths: Topic 14 – Measurement Units, Time and Temperature. Topic Test
Literacy: Historical Fiction – Elena (Historical Fiction Short Story)/Historical Fiction Writing. Unit Wrap Up.
Science: Chapter 4 – Ecosystems. Chapter Test and Wrap-Up.
Social Studies: Chapter 11 World War II. Chapter Test and Wrap-Up
Student of the Week:
Well done, Daniel Kim. Check out the Student of the Week page on the blog to find out more.  
Dojo Masters:

Thanks for all of the hard work this week. Please check the Dojo Masters page on the blog to see who our masters for this week are.

1.     Spring Break – March 29 to April 6 – Return to school on Monday, April 9.
2.     April 9 – Easter Egg Hunt. Please remember to bring a bag!
3.     Parent-Teacher Meetings will be held from April 9 to 13.
4.     May: IOWA Tests - May 14-18
5.     Mid-semester break – May 21

Have a good weekend!

Mr. Robus

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