Friday 8 June 2018

Week 38 Update

5th Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
The first full week of June has breezed by as can be expected at such a busy and exciting point in the year. We have little time left but still very much to do. The students have been working hard on their end-of-year speeches and many of them have already submitted their speeches through Google Slides or Docs. We are all very excited to see what comes up as we reflect on the past year of learning. Please encourage your child to practice their speech with you ahead of next Monday. Not only will this help them to prepare, but you will also be able to know more about what they found most useful or important this past year.
What we learned This week
Maths: Topic 20 – Probability
Literacy: A Focus on Poetry – Poetry Writing/Genre investigation/Poetry recital preparations.
Science: Part 2 – Design and Function
Social Studies: Chapter 15 People and the Economy
What we will learn Next Week
Maths: Topic 19 – Topic 20 - Probability/Cumulative Topics 1-20 Test.
Literacy: A Focus on Poetry – Poetry Writing/Genre investigation/Poetry Recital.
Science: Part 2 – Design and Function
Social Studies: Chapter 16 People and Government
Student of the Week:
Well done, Kotaro Chiba. Check out the Student of the Week page on the blog to find out more.  
Dojo Masters:

Thanks for all of the hard work this week. Please check the Dojo Masters page on the blog to see who our masters for this week are.

1.     June 18 – Dragon Boat Holiday (No School)
2.     June 22 – Last Day of School (Half Day)

Have a good weekend!

Mr. Robus

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